Snowpark Professional Services

Unlock the full potential of Snowflake with Snowpark Professional Services from phData

What is Snowpark and How Does phData Help?

Snowpark helps developers leverage Snowflake’s computing power to ship their code to the data rather than exporting data to run in other environments. This can be a major optimization for most businesses, often accelerating workloads by up to 99 percent.

Since its inception, phData has worked extensively with Snowpark, helping businesses of all sizes enable their teams to better collaborate securely on the same single copy of their data.


What phData Delivers

Our phData Snowpark MVP offering helps your business realize the value of Snowpark by delivering a minimally viable application that runs on Snowpark. The offering gives access to one of phData’s top Solutions Architects for a four-week timespan to implement this application. 

We’ll make sure to demonstrate Snowpark’s strengths by executing on the following tasks: 

What Can You Accomplish With Snowpark?​

Snowpark is a very powerful tool for running code-driven applications on Snowflake, but it’s not for all workloads. One key benefit of Snowflake is it lets users do big things with SQL alone. 

The three following workloads work particularly well on Snowflake:

Data Science and Machine Learning

Data Scientists love Python, which makes Snowpark Python an ideal framework for machine learning development and deployment. Working with data right inside Snowflake is significantly more efficient than exporting to external environments.

Data-Driven Applications

Some teams develop dynamic applications that run on data. Snowpark lets those applications run directly on Snowflake compute. Snowpark can be combined with Snowflake’s Native App and Secure Data Sharing capabilities to allow companies to process their customer’s data in a secure and well-governed manner.

Complex Data Transformations

Some data cleansing and ELT workloads are complex, and SQL can inflate that complexity. A functional programming paradigm lets developers factor code for readability and reuse, while also providing a better framework for unit tests. On top of that, developers can also bring in external libraries from internal developers, third parties, or open source.

Want to learn more about Snowpark?
We've got you covered.


What is Snowpark and Why Does It Matter

Our complete overview of all details teams should consider about Snowpark.

Computer Keyboard

Python For Snowpark Overview

A comprehensive introduction to the emerging technology of Python and Snowpark. 

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Case Study

Marketing Company Migrates Hadoop to Snowflake With Snowpark​

Get an intimate look at how a major door & window manufacturer migrated its marketing data from an Excel spreadsheet into Snowflake with phData.

Questions about Snowpark?
We've got answers!

Our Snowpark MVP projects start around $30k. 

The Snowpark API is essentially a clone of Spark SQL with nearly 100% API compatibility.  If you’d like to know more, check out our Spark Developer’s Guide to Snowpark.

Yes! Snowflake & Snowpark are in fact great for machine learning because they enable the entire ML lifecycle.

Take the next step
with phData.

Curious about how to accelerate your Snowpark journey? We’ve got you covered!

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