Bayesian hyperparameter optimization is a bread-and-butter task for data scientists and machine-learning engineers; basically, every model-development project requires it.
Hyperparameters are the parameters (variables) of machine-learning models that are not learned from data, but instead set explicitly prior to training – think of them as knobs that need to be fiddled with in order to find the best model for a given task. Ultimately, regardless of what you’re doing with machine learning, you should actively optimize hyperparameters.
One of the best ways to do so is using Bayesian hyperparameter optimization.
What is Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization?
Traditional hyperparameter optimization used a grid search or random search to sample various combinations of hyperparameters and empirically evaluate model performance. By trying out many combinations of hyperparameters, experimenters can usually get a good sense of where to set parameters to achieve optimal performance.
Recent research has yielded new algorithms that intelligently narrow the search space as more and more combinations are tested. In other words, once we’ve run some experiments on different hyperparameter combinations and estimated model performance, we start to get a sense of ranges for each parameter where we should focus future experiments. Versions of these narrowing techniques include:
Which Tools Do You Need for Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization?
In this blog post, we use a Python library called Hyperopt to direct our hyperparameter search, in particular, because its Spark integration makes parallelization of experiments straightforward.
One particular challenge in hyperparameter optimization is tracking the sheer number of experiments. As we refine our experiments and run new searches, the bookkeeping of all these results can become maddening. Enter MLflow.
MLflow serves a handful of important purposes in machine-learning projects – environment management, streamlining of deployments, artifact persistence – but in the context of hyperparameter optimization, it is particularly useful for experiment tracking. Using MLflow, an experimenter can log one or several metrics and parameters with just a single API call.
Further, MLflow has logging plugins for the most common machine-learning frameworks (Keras, TensorFlow, XGBoost, LightGBM, etc.) to automate the persistence of model artifacts for future deployment.
While experiment tracking is useful in the context of Bayesian hyperparameter optimization, it is more generally an essential component of machine-learning operations (MLOps).
A good MLOps pipeline enables reproducible research by keeping track of experiments automatically so that data scientists can focus on innovation. This MLflow tutorial below shows how data scientists can diligently log their experiments with minimal overhead.
MLflow Tutorial: Set the Foundation for Optimization with Experiment Tracking & Logging
When working in Databricks, a simple user interface allows us to configure a cluster to gain access to the rich parallelization API of Apache Spark. All Databricks notebooks have tight integration with MLflow without any further configuration. On an otherwise default cluster configuration, we’re using Databricks Runtime 7 ML to define our Python environment, which happens to include all of the libraries necessary for this demo.
In this MLflow tutorial, our Databricks notebook opens up by downloading the dataset used for demonstration purposes. There’s nothing too exciting about the dataset; we’re focusing on the techniques here, not the novelty of the use case. To keep it simple, we’re using the California Housing Dataset accessible through Scikit-learn API. In short, the dataset includes roughly 20,000 examples of California regions with area median home price as a regression target and nine features for model input. The code to fetch the dataset; extract the feature matrix (x) and target vector (y); and define a train/test split is as follows:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn import model_selection
data = datasets.fetch_california_housing()
x = pd.DataFrame(data['data'], columns=data['feature_names'])
y = pd.Series(data['target'])
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(
x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
from typing import Dict
import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics
def regression_metrics(actual: pd.Series,
pred: pd.Series) -> Dict:
"""Return a collection of regression metrics as a Series.
actual: series of actual/true values
pred: series of predicted values
Series with the following values in a labeled index:
return {
"MAE": metrics.mean_absolute_error(actual, pred),
"RMSE": np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(actual, pred))}
The returned metrics are Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).
Now we start to get to the meat of our ML training task by defining a function that can fit a machine-learning model. In this case, we’re training a Gradient Boosted Model (GBM) with LightGBM. If you’re familiar with XGBoost, this approach is nearly identical. But MLflow has logging plugins for TensorFlow and Keras and many other modeling frameworks, so there are many options here. Even if a plugin is not built into MLflow for a more exotic model type, it is straightforward to log parameters, metrics, and artifacts manually.
In our case, we first use cross validation to determine the metric scores for our training set. These are the actual metric values we will optimize. The function below takes advantage of the Scikit-learn interface of LightGBM and the convenience of sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_predict() to generate predictions for the entire training set using five-fold cross validation; that is, we fit five different models on five distinct training samples with statistically disjoint validation samples. However, we do not log the parameters of these specific models. Once validation scores are measured for a given set of hyperparameters, we enable automatic logging with MLflow and refit a model with the same hyperparameters on the entire training set.
For comparison, we determine and log metrics for the test set as well, though a data scientist should never optimize the model based on scores from the test set. The test metrics are used for downstream analysis to ensure that our model has not overfit for our training set. More on that later, but without further ado, here is our function for model fitting experiments and tracking outcomes:
import mlflow
import mlflow.lightgbm
from sklearn import model_selection
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Union
from typing import Tuple
import lightgbm
def fit_and_log_cv(x_train: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.array],
y_train: Union[pd.Series, np.array],
x_test: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.array],
y_test: Union[pd.Series, np.array],
params: Dict[str, Any],
nested: bool = False) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Fit a model and log it along with train/CV metrics.
x_train: feature matrix for training/CV data
y_train: label array for training/CV data
x_test: feature matrix for test data
y_test: label array for test data
nested: if true, mlflow run will be started as child
of existing parent
with mlflow.start_run(nested=nested) as run:
# Fit CV models; extract predictions and metrics
model_cv = lightgbm.LGBMRegressor(**params)
y_pred_cv = model_selection.cross_val_predict(model_cv, x_train, y_train)
metrics_cv = {
f"val_{metric}": value
for metric, value in regression_metrics(y_train, y_pred_cv).items()}
# Fit and log full training sample model; extract predictions and metrics
dataset = lightgbm.Dataset(x_train, label=y_train)
model = lightgbm.train(params=params, train_set=dataset)
y_pred_test = model.predict(x_test)
metrics_test = {
f"test_{metric}": value
for metric, value in regression_metrics(y_test, y_pred_test).items()}
metrics = {**metrics_test, **metrics_cv}
return metrics
Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization with Hyperopt
import hyperopt
def build_train_objective(x_train: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.array],
y_train: Union[pd.Series, np.array],
x_test: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.array],
y_test: Union[pd.Series, np.array],
metric: str):
"""Build optimization objective function fits and evaluates model.
x_train: feature matrix for training/CV data
y_train: label array for training/CV data
x_test: feature matrix for test data
y_test: label array for test data
metric: name of metric to be optimized
Optimization function set up to take parameter dict from Hyperopt.
def train_func(params):
"""Train a model and return loss metric."""
metrics = fit_and_log_cv(
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, params, nested=True)
return {'status': hyperopt.STATUS_OK, 'loss': metrics[metric]}
return train_func
def log_best(run: mlflow.entities.Run,
metric: str) -> None:
"""Log the best parameters from optimization to the parent experiment.
run: current run to log metrics
metric: name of metric to select best and log
client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient()
runs = client.search_runs(
"tags.mlflow.parentRunId = '{run_id}' ".format(
best_run = min(runs, key=lambda run:[metric])
Now we can put it all together and run our hyperparameter search experiments. Note that aside from our train/test data, we haven’t even defined any global variables in our notebook. This is where we start to do that to configure our search.
We specify 200 iterations; meaning that we will experiment with 200 different combinations of hyperparameters. The metric of choice is selected as RMSE on the validation sample. And finally, we specify a parallelism of 8, meaning that we will run 8 experiments simultaneously. There’s not a lot of magic to selecting the number of iterations (experiments) and parallelism, but keep in mind that as parallelism increases, these narrowing search algorithms can lose some ability to refine the space for subsequent experiments.
Quite simply, the more we do all at once, the less we can take advantage of what we’re learning as we go. The experiments are parallelized by Spark using Hyperopt, without any complicated configuration thanks to Databricks. We also define the search space as ranges of variables and how to sample them and configure our training objective with the train/test samples defined above.
from hyperopt.pyll.base import scope
# Number of experiments to run at once
space = {
'colsample_bytree': hyperopt.hp.uniform('colsample_bytree', 0.5, 1.0),
'subsample': hyperopt.hp.uniform('subsample', 0.05, 1.0),
# The parameters below are cast to int using the wrapper
hyperopt.hp.quniform('num_iterations', 10, 200, 1)),
'num_leaves':'num_leaves', 20, 50, 1))
trials = hyperopt.SparkTrials(parallelism=PARALLELISM)
train_objective = build_train_objective(
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, METRIC)
with mlflow.start_run() as run:
log_best(run, METRIC)
search_run_id =
experiment_id =
Analysis of Results
client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient()
runs = client.search_runs([experiment_id],
f"tags.mlflow.parentRunId = '{search_run_id}' ")
# Extract metrics and parameters
df_metrics = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
[{"run_id":, **, **} for run in runs])
import seaborn
eval_metrics = ["val_MAE", "val_RMSE", "test_MAE", "test_RMSE"]
The histograms on the diagonal show the one-dimensional distribution of each metric, but more importantly, we can see good correlation between the metrics. The MAE and RMSE metrics are correlated with each other, meaning that the models that give the best MAE will generally give the best RMSE; lower is better for both. But most importantly, we see good correlation between our test and validation metrics. This indicates that we are not seeing strong overfitting on our models – the models that give the best results on cross validation also give the best results on the test set.
To wrap up our basic analysis, we can also take a look at how the metrics are correlated with our parameters to understand which hyperparameters are actually contributing significantly to model performance. The code below loops over the parameters and metrics to generate some scatter plots using Matplotlib.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
params = space.keys()
metric_names = ["MAE", "RMSE"]
for param in params:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
for pane, metric in enumerate(metric_names):
plt.subplot(1, len(metric_names), pane + 1)
df_metrics[param].astype(float), df_metrics[f"test_{metric}"],
'.', label="Test")
df_metrics[param].astype(float), df_metrics[f"val_{metric}"],
'.', label="Val")
Conclusion: MLOps Doesn’t Have to be Difficult
The gold standard in MLOps is to enable data scientists to innovate while also ensuring that their work is ready for deployment. We’ve seen here that MLflow can greatly simplify our efforts by tracking experiments, especially as we do hyperparameter optimization and the number of experiments grows into the hundreds or even thousands.
MLflow also makes it easy to use track metrics, parameters, and artifacts when we use the most common libraries, such as LightGBM. Hyperopt has proven to be a good choice for sampling our hyperparameter space in an intelligent way, and makes it easy to parallelize with its Spark integration. All of these things come together seamlessly in Databricks, where Spark clusters are configured easily and MLflow is coupled automatically with every notebook.
Of course, the challenging part of data science is always adapting straightforward examples like this one to more complicated datasets and use cases. If you’re interested in exploring MLOps in greater depth, be sure to read our Ultimate MLOps Guide.
If you’d like a hand tackling your next problem, reach out to the Machine Learning Engineers and Data Scientists at phData. We’re here to help!